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WP 1.3: Development of a "carbon forestry business model"

The methods accepted by IPCC for the generation of carbon certificates in forest sector refer extensively to the defined eligible land use changes: afforestation, reforestation and deforestation.  Although Article 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol allows for additional carbon effects of forest management, methodological bases for it are unavailable till now.

The actual development in this direction is the decisions with regard to a follow-up agreement, which was negotiated at the climate conference in Cancún. Thereby, REDD+ as well as the role of nature conservation aspects, biodiversity, sustainable forest management and increase in carbon stock obtained broad support. However, there is no final clarity yet about how an individual project can realize the potential economic benefits from avoided deforestation and forest degradation in this context yet.

The technical objective of this workpackage is:

  • Development of scientifically reliabe methods complying with IPCC standards as a basis for the evaluation of caron sequestration effects